Can anyone compare Rays for Today math with the new SCM math?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Math Can anyone compare Rays for Today math with the new SCM math?

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  • alphabetika

    The title says it all. I’m curious how these two compare.


    I  looked at samples of Ray’s For Today and bought SCM.  I am not using either, but here are my thoughts.  Both are now scripted with the first level or is it two of SCM lessons.  RFT is wordier and adds more modern elements such as worksheets if I remember correctly.

    SCM one is nice, but for some reason the teaching style and I weren’t getting along.  I  switched to BJU math which is mastery, conceptual, has stories, and colorful workbooks.  Maybe my attention span is the problem?

    If you decide on SCM I have the book, DVD, and level one lesson book for sale.  Send me your email address for more information.


    Thank you, Retrofam. I have the first two levels of Ray’s, and I am finding it wordy, but it’s not necessarily “not working,” if you know what I mean. My daughter is 8, so I feel like we should be farther along in math than the first level of Ray’s or SCM, but we’re not very far. I am an inadequate math teacher, except at these very basic levels, so I think a script actually helps me in this subject, though I would feel silly in a script with other subjects. That’s one reason each of these appeals to me.



    It sounds like RFT is going ok for both of you, so I would continue with it.  I have switched math way too many times.  You will know if she needs a switch.  Being behind only really matters if they are in high school and running out of time for higher math needed for a particular college or graduation requirement plan. Unless she plans on taking calculus, she isn’t behind;)


    Yes, you’re right!  Thank you.  I’m reminding myself of that, re: not being behind. With my two older daughters (both already graduated), I taught them the basics and then outsourced them to a friend who is a math teacher.  That’s what I plan to do with this one, too, when the time comes. I’ll stick with Ray’s and thank God for California homeschool laws that allow us to learn and teach in our own ways, at our own pace. : ) Thank you for your help!


    You’re welcome.  I look around at other curriculum and wonder too. It helps to discuss it here:)

    Heather Robbins

    Retrofam, do you still have book 1 for sale? I might be interested. I am for sure interested in price and will talk with my husband. Also, is it the printed version? heatherrobbins09 (at) gmail dot com


    I sold book 1 lessons, but still have the DVD and general book for those interested.  Send me your email address if you are interested.


    I am guessing you no longer have the book and DVD but thought I’d check.  😉


    Yes, I no longer have them. ☺


    😉 I figured as much. Thanks!

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