Calling all Vitamix users… anybody know if there is a reason why I should NOT throw my tomatoes in and blend them then can them? I realize the enzymes will be killed in the canning process, but I need to preserve them in some manner, and would really like a full bodied juice to use for tomato soup. I really like my juicer for getting as much juice as possible separated from the skin and seeds, but need to process 30+ lbs of tomatoes ASAP, and thought the Vitamix would be faster and have a “bulkier” texture for the soup base. Do you think that would be ok?
OH, and on that same note, does anyone have the old recipe for tomato soup from the vitamix recipe book? I looked on the site, and the only one that I found is tomato bisque. I can not find my recipe anywhere, so help with that would be appreciated. I will wing it if I have to, but I know I won’t remember all of the spices used.
Hi bluej, I just got bact from a trip to Hallelujah Acres. I went to a cooking class where the lady used a Vitamix for a lot of dips and soups! She used lots of veggies. Here is a recipe on their website for tomato soup using a Vitamix
The vitamix changed our family’s life in way of nutrition for the better and we use it everyday, sometimes several times/day. I have an excalibur dehydrator (also worth the investment, but not as valuable as the vitamix)….. if I had LOTS of tomatoes to preserve I would puree them in the vitamix then dehydrate them into fruit leather type sheets. Then you could rehydrate as needed (would take up so much less space than canning or freezing). But I can’t answer your question about canning because I have never canned or I can’t answer for the soup recipe (as our vitamix recipe book is a newer one).
Oh my goooosh! I am getting my vitamix sometime next week. So excited to read these posts. I have no idea what to expect. We purchased ours from the vitamix lady, she has a ton of recipes on her site I guess…Link below. She also has a ton of videos in YouTube. And she’s a strong Christian…and apparently lives 20 minutes from me. 🙂 COOL! Anyways…I will take any recipes that are your favorites. 🙂 We will be doing the green smoothie challenge in our home for the next 30 days, when the vitamix arrives. And i am really guessing we will continue it if it really does what Vitamix Lady claims it does for you. 🙂
Martajoy, the vitamix lady has a yahoo vitamix users group called vitamixenthusiast that I am part of (haven’t kept up with it for a while though) and I was blessed to meet her twice as she comes to our area Costco as part of her job twice a year. We took money from our precious savings account to buy the vitamix due to health reasons….and have not been dissappointed, I would do it again in a heartbeat….even I would go without my oven before I would my vitamix.
Sorry this is OT from the tomato preserving question 😉
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