Calling all Rays Arithmetic users!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Math Calling all Rays Arithmetic users!

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  • 2Corin57

    How do the books line up for ages/grades? Where would you place a 9 year old who knows +/- well, knows 1,2,5,10,0 times tables well (the others aren’t memorized yet but well understands the concepts), and hasn’t done much with division?

    Are the Beechik guides necessary? Will this series prepare them for agebra etc?

    Lastly, how would you compare them to the Franklin Hoyt “Everyday Arithmetic” series?

    Oh, and open to any input you have on using them!




    We use Ray’s Arithmetic and my son (8) was in the same boat knowing +/- really well and understanding the concept of multiplication. I was struggling with where to place him but then I found this website:

    It suggested that Ray’s New Intellectual Math would be the place to start him on. It reviews +/- and then moves on to multiplying and dividing. Each book is supposed to be used for two grades. We have done short lessons and it has really brought math to life for him (as well as watching Sonya Schaffer’s seminar:

    As for Beechick’s study guides I can’t help there we just printed off Ray’s New Intellectual Math from the above website for free and I have just been staying one day ahead of him. They also have a key for the harder problems in future lessons.

    I feel like it is a very systematic way to learn and will prepare them for algebra. The Ray’s Arithmetic series goes all the way up to Calculus and you can find those books to print on

    My son recently came to me and said that he loves Ray’s so much more than our old math program (Singapore Math) because he actually gets to spend time ‘getting math’ instead of jumping from ‘one thing to another’. My dd (7) struggled with +/- while using Singapore but since switching to Ray’s she says she ‘gets’ it and now arithmetic isn’t a struggle but a subject that is looked forward to. It could be the way Ray’s is set up or it could be the short focused lessons going from manipulatives to drill or a combination of both.

    Hope this helps!


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