Calendar of Smooth and Easy Days

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Habits Calendar of Smooth and Easy Days

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  • Betty Dickerson

    I just saw the sample of this on the website, Sonya! How inspiring! I never got to purchase the Mom’s calendar of Masterly Inactivity, is this similar/different to this new calendar?

    Right now, I’ve been using a monthly/weekly 8.5 X 11 insert in my binder for my planning. I also have some printed pages of our “schedule” of read alouds and silent reading as well as an order to our day in some page protectors in my binder. BUT I find, I still end up reaching for my spiral notebook to plan my days (details) and to brainstorm. My binder is just too much to lug around and I find that the lighter spiral notebook is easier to have with me and use for other lists like packing lists and grocery lists.

    I’m looking for a new calendar for next year and wonder if this would fit what I’m looking for. I like the emphasis on habits.

    Looking forward to hearing more about it!

    Blessings to you,


    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Betty –

    Yes, the Smooth and Easy Days calendar is the same format as the 2008 Masterly Inactivity calendar. As you probably saw in the sample, each month has an article on habits; a month-at-a-glance calendar (with holidays added this year!); pages with space for prayer requests, books you’re reading, gentle reminders, and personal journaling; then weekly 2-page spreads with space for writing on each day and a CM habit-related quote for the week.

    There is also a list of the sixty CM habits in the back, along with several more blank pages for journaling.

    Just between us girls, I’m planning to make the Masterly Inactivity articles available as a free e-book for those who weren’t able to get last year’s calendar. Watch for it in January, I hope. 🙂

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