Calendar of Firsts: What do You Use?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Calendar of Firsts: What do You Use?

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  • kellywright006

    Hi Everyone:
    We would like to start a calendar of firsts but are wondering about the format to use. I see some online that are simply the name of the month at the top of a plain sheet of cardstock with dates just entered along the left, and a brief description. Then, I’ve seen actual calendars (one that is $40, which is not an option to spend that much $ on that).

    Can anyone describe what you use? Does each child keep one, or one for the family? I am leaning toward one for the family.

    Thank You



    We’ve kept one as a family. I did exactly as you described. I typed up the month at the top of one page with 1-15 down the side of one piece of card stock and 16-the end of the month on the other. This way each month is a two page spread. We put them in page protectors and put them in a pretty nature themed binder.  This is our first year doing it and my kids have really been excited to add to it (and so have my husband and I). I’m excited for next year when we have the added expectation and can look forward to seeing old friends and making new discoveries.



    I’m interested in doing this too!  So, when you type it us, it doesn’t look like a calendar, right?  And you just have lines to jot the year and what you saw?  Or does it have blocks (spreadsheet-type)?  How do you keep it tidy-looking and easy to read? I guess my concern is that it would get really messy year after year, if there are no divisions for future years.



    My post disappeared. I have this one and it’s lovely.  A lifelong keepsake. Worth the price, IMO.



    I have that one, too, Christie.  But you can just take a regular calendar that has room to write and simply note the firsts you see. Easy and often free.


    What about buying a ‘line a day’ type journal or making your own?  These tend to be set up for 3 -5 years already.  One each page it one date.  Today’s would be July 17th.  Then the page is lined in a few groups (3-5 groups) with 2015, 2016, 2017, etc, each beside a small grouping of lines.  Every day you write one short bit about that day.  It could work well for a Calendar of Firsts.

    I’ve even seen free printable ones on Pinterest, as well as one made with index cards.  For the index card one you have an index card box that holds 365 cards or half that number.  If 365 cards you use 1 card per day, if half that you would have one date on the front of the card (July 17th) and the next date on the back of the card (July 18th).  Each day use just a few lines to record something for that year, labeling it with the year.



    We keep a family one. It’s produced by Red Mountain Community School and is month with two columns for two days.


    1  |  2

    — | —

    — | —

    with about fifteen lines down the page. I forget what I paid, but it’s really lovely with wooden covers.


    Thanks everyone for your responses. I did find a few online, that were free. I liked the looks of this one and will call it GOOD for now. Just wanted to come back and share what I found.

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