I was wondering what your thoughts are on dc using calculators in math for pre-algebra and beyond? Do you let your dc use them at any point? I’d love to hear your pro’s & cons!
We only allow calculator use where the text or DVD actually advocates it – if they don’t say in the lesson that a calculator should be used, then we don’t use one. However, now they are doing the higher math the calculator is used more and more in the lessons, but we still only use them when the lesson states we should. When they were younger we deliberately did not use calculators as we wanted them to really be sure of their facts and the methods to solve problems various problems. Blessings – Linda
A calculator will be necessary for geometry and beyond for math and for chemistry and physics. When a child starts using one is more or less up to each parent to decide. Personally, I do not allow calculators for my kids until at least algebra. They have to prove to me that they understand how math works so that when they use a calculator they understand what math it is performing to get the answer.
I recommend that your son use a calculator at least occasionally before geometry as it is best if he is familiar with how to use one before he has to make complex calculations on it. You will probably want to have him use a scientific calculator as that is what he will need for higher math and science.
LOL, I was just coming here and Karen’s response popped up–I’ll mostly just “ditto” what she said! For us, the “tipping point” occurred in the middle of geometry–the calculations were getting in the way of the concepts then. And with physics on the agenda soon, I knew he needed to be able to do all the fun stuff anyway. I agree with Karen–go straight to a good scientific calculator. But before you get to this point, the student should be really good at doing the basic stuff on paper first. If they are still making lots of mistakes then they aren’t ready yet for a calculator.