Cadfael on Netflix's instant streaming!! Yeah!! (at least in America)

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  • Rachel White

    In case you’re not aware, this is a British production of the Cadfael mysteries; aired on PBS Mystery! BAsed on books of the same name; set in 12th Cen. England, about a Welsh, Benedictine monk, who is also an herbalist, and who became a monk after being in the Crusades; he solves crimes.

    It serves to provide a very good representation of the times.

    Sir Derek Jacobi is one of my favorite actors and he plays the title role.

    Excellent! You have to see him in I, Claudius, too.

    Just thought I’d pass along the info.-I was so excited this morning when I saw this. Now I don’t have to wait for the DVD’s!


    Oh, I loved the books.  This sounds interesting too!  Dh and I will have to check it out. 

    Rachel White

    Let me know what you think.

    I love period pieces…


    Hey, I’d love to know if anybody has seen these, and if so, if they are completely clean?  I am always looking for new things to watch with DH, but for various reasons it is very important to us not only to avoid sex in movies, but also any type of sensuality (including costumery.)  Would appreciate reviews on this!

    Rachel White

    Questa7: I’ve wathced 3 of them. It is British tv so sometimes you can’t predict. HOwever, the most I’ve seen is what I’d describe as “making out”, once between an unmarriage man/woman and another between husband/wife-both are just kissing and with clothes on.

    Language has been “typical” English fare; but very few instances per episode. If you want me to explain what I mean by typical:

    the “D” word

    the word meaning “illigitimate son”

    probably the reference for a donkey

    I can’t think of any others in the episodes.

    So it’s cleaner than a show at 8:30 on TV here regarding language and cleaner than a 10pm show regarding sexual content so far.

    Obviously, the monks aren’t doing these things!

    ETA: reading your other post, I’d suggest he just turn his head, if that’s possible regarding these fully clothed, but passionate kissing scenes-they are short in duration. A suggestion: you watch one first and then you can tell him to turn his head, if that’s possible. Or you could push the fast forward button. Also, out of the 3, only two had any kissing in them. So each episode is different.

    If the temptation is too great for him and it’s hard for him to turn his head, then, since the kissing isn’t in every episode, you could quickly fast forward, watching the scenes go by, to determine if it’s one w/or w/o the kissing content, and determine that way if he can watch it and for the ones with it, you’d know which ones they were and could fast-forwrd to get past it or skip these episodes all together-they stand alone, you can skip around. It’s such a tiny part of those episodes, maybe fast-forwarding will do if you know where they are in advance?

    Just some ideas…

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