I have an 8yo busy boy. He always has to be “doing” something and “with” somebody. His famous words are “I’m bored” and “Will someone please play with me?” I’m not sure if this is just the way that God wired him or if its a discipline or character issue that needs to be dealt with.
He always wants suggestions of something to do when it’s free time. The only two handicrafts I have found that he enjoys doing is latch-hooking and woodworking. Although with woodworking, he has to have someones help —which is fine–when time allows.
I would love to have more ideas of things for him to “do” when everyone else is busy doing other things and he has free time on his hands.
He seems to buzz right through his math and writing lessons as quickly as possible. He does a great job, however, but just wants to get things done NOW. He is also the one that will get all of his chores done (and great I might add) even before his 13 yo brother. Now this seems good and all except he will then say I’m bored and what should I dooooooooooooo?????????? over and over again. This is usually the time that his older sibling is still working and I’m busy with the baby, etc…
All this to say, I need some suggestions of other things for him to do? His HIGH energy has been tiring me out lately and I’m not sure what to do. Winter has been hard and cold here in Michigan. Any thoughts? Do any of you have boys like this? What do you think–the way God wired him or do I need to work on his character????
Thanks for giving me room to share—I don’t do this very often.
PS I updated my member profile with a pic of “busy boy” and I. 🙂
I have a busy boy, too. But I must say if ‘bored’ comes out of his mouth I give him things to do that he doesn’t want to do, so that word doesn’t come out very often!
I would suggest checking out books from the library on origami, all sorts of paper crafts (Dover also has very inexpensive craft books like this), how-to draw…books, puppet books, elementary age science activity books; for example the Backyard Science series, the Exploring Creation through…series by Fulbright. If you’re not already using those, I’d recommend getting the title that he’s most interested in (like my son has the Astronomy one), their experiments are very easy for just my son; he’s 8 yrs. old, too. Sculpey Clay and na book to go with. Then there’s nature projects. Pets in a Jar has many activities for keeping critters.
Then there’s thinking skills activities. Like tangrams, equilibrio, pattern blocks. YOu can get these at Timberdoodle. They have many hands on activites. Of course, how about Lincoln Logs, legoes, Magnets, wedgits, K’Nex. Does he have many electronic gadgets? If so, that may be zapping his creativity, or if not just going through a stage. But it’s important not to give in to his desire for not thinking for himself. Sounds like his brain is too active to mush it up.
Did you consider that maybe up the challenge level on some of his schoolwork? Just a thought. Sounds like he definitely needs more brain stimulus. I have started a “project Day” on Thurs. That being the liberal arts day. so the rule for the week is if you’re going to do a project any other day besides Thurs, it has to be something on your own; Thurs. is when I am hands-on. We have two children; my dd was adopted and had NO imagination when we got her. So we instituted a time daily of playing alone, for both of them. That way my son wasn’t always the one do the “thinking-up-of-scenarios-for- play” for her.
With these craft books laying around, be sure to have plenty of craft matrials on ahnd, then he will evntually come up with his own ideas. Card stock, thread, glue, tape, pipecleaners (both of mine enjoy making people and animals from pipecleaners), felt, cardboard, old toilet paper and paper towel holders, all-purpose paper (wal-mart or office max for bulk, same with card stock),sticks, pins, connectors. Just take a trip to Micheals.
Did he see Wall-e the Movie? My son wants to send you instructions on how to build a Wall-e. My husband makes him write out instructions for whatever he’s building before he builds it.
I guess I should say we do the Astronomy book together and he loves it. He also plays with legos (which he’s doing right now– because I suggested it) and builds lots. I have craft stuff always available for him but he’s not to crafty. We don’t do electronic gadgets, video games or tv (except for occasional family movies) so I know thats not an issue. We just got a drawing book which he’s dabbling in bits here and there. He has pets in a jar which he LOVED and had many jars this past summer. I had to convince him to let the critters free before we got the first freeze. However, we still have a snail.:) He also has three rabbits, two parakeets and a kitty.
I’ve thought of giving him extra chores when he says “I’m bored”….hmmmm you got me thinking.
I’ve also thought of giving him more work to do but he’s already doing math for 15 minutes , copywork for 15 minutes, reading to me for 15 minutes, listening to me read literature,history and bible and doing apologia science. We also do picture studies, piano lessons and history notebook throughout the week. Do you think he could use more?
You have so many wonderful suggestions. I will take the time to look at these closer. I love your project day ideas, etc and I thank you for taking the time to respond. Wish we lived closer, our boys could get together. 🙂 My oldest son built a wall-e with his legos and robotics kit. Both my boys would love the building instructions. 🙂
My first thought is that more chores might be the answer. I don’t mean more chores that are punishment, but worthwhile physical activities that will keep him occupied and make real contributions to the family. Maybe your DH can come up with some ideas with you.
If you are in Michigan, I’m thinking there is often shoveling to do. Do you have elderly neighbors or other people on your block who would appreciate their driveway and sidewalk shoveled?
Do you have a home-improvement job that needs some attention? Is there a cleaning job that can use some grunt work? The other day I asked my 6yo son to pull out everything on the floor of the front closet so I could declutter and organize, and he thought it was a cool job….and I was so grateful not to have to do it myself.
If he is involved with any sports, there is always some practice or exercises he could do. Maybe he’d like a work-out routine – pull-ups, push-ups, jump roping, etc. to build up his physical fitness. Maybe he’d like charting his progress.
Whenever I mention to my DH that my son is so energetic and sometimes bored with my ideas of fun, he always replies, “Put him to work.”
I also have a few busy boys, and as someone said the word “bored” isn’t coming out of it or they have a new “task” to do. My floors looked great the other day.
1st I should mention I have 5 boys and they all know this little fact about the word bored and don’t use it. They also thankfully have eachother to play with or without. so there’s someone who is ready to do trucks, games, coloring, lego’s, knex, go outside with etc.
We live in MN and it’s been below zero here also for the last 3 days and like almost all last week. We are really getting on eachothers nerves that’s for sure. So though it’s like 5 out right now.. guess where they are?? Yep outside with hammers breaking up ice on the driveway. Now theyare boys and they are doing something helpful, and using a hammer. (Oh, and yes dad is out supervising) 🙂
So for us “tasks” are assigned if someone is bored or just wandering around following us cause it’s also a sign of boredom.
Good luck this is such a tough time of year for boys especially and I’ll be reading this to hear other good things I can also use. Thanks for the post.
I have a ds8 also and he is pretty active also. I have found that if I have several activities and games out for him to choose from each day (during those lull times) that he is better focused. Sometimes for my son, it is just overwelming to choose from all the activities we have so if I have a few that I know he hasn’t chosen recently and put them out for him to choose from he is more likely to make himself busy.
I really like the idea of the exercise program and charting his progress. And of course the added work for those who use the word “bored”. All are great suggestions.
“I have started a “project Day” on Thurs. That being the liberal arts day. so the rule for the week is if you’re going to do a project any other day besides Thurs, it has to be something on your own; Thurs. is when I am hands-on.”
I love this idea, Rachel! What type of projects do you do? Do you tie them in directly with a lesson you are working on?
Esby, I know this is what he needs. Thank you for reminding me of this. Its easy for my husband to give him jobs on the weekends because he always wants to be out working with dad. During the week, I think we all have cabin fever around here. Spring, summer and fall are busy putting in our acres of gardens, cultivating, weeding, and harvesting. Winter is only shoveling, cleaning the outdoor rabbitry (including brothers rabbits there are eight), hiking on snow shoes to the woods and pulling the sled on the back of the quad. He is so high wired that he still needs MORE. I’ll consult my dh and see what he thinks about some other work related activities. Exercise chart is a GREAT idea too. Thanks a million! 🙂
Misty, I think I will start making it a family law that “I’m bored” is not allowed;if that vocabulary is used then they can draw a special job that needs to be done out of the “I’m bored” jar. Hmmmmm..I just thought of that. Thanks for the ideas.
Yes, I think it would be great to have more kiddos….I wish I could go back about 10 years and feel the convictions I do now (at 35) and have lots more children inbetween. Our boys are 13, 8 and 1 yr. Those of you with big families – you are so blessed beyond measure!!!
What a great idea. I will implement your idea this very day! I will pick out a few things that he hasn’t done in awhile and have them ready for him to do. I’ll tell him I have things for him to do in his free time and he has no reason to say “Im bored” if he says it then he can do a special job out of the “im bored” jar. My son, like yours, gets overwhelmed with too many things to choose from. Great idea! Bless you! 🙂
I’m so thankful for you all! As I write I pray that you all have a wonderful day!! Misty, maybe that baby will come today- thinking of you. 🙂