My baby girl is a good burper during the day. Naps well, 1.5 to 2.5 hours at a stretch. Heres my question. At night when she wakes to nurse. She does it so fast (that’s what I think at least) that she gets terrible tommy aches. I have tried and am using gas drops from the store but they really don’t help. I can nurse her and after 1 minute pull her and burp her, and do this for about 10 minutes and she still can get so bad that she will not lay down. Or I have tried letting her just nurse and burp her. But this doesn’t work either I can spend the next hour just walking around trying to get her to burp so that she can lay back down. She will then only sleep for about 1.5 hours maybe 2 and need to either eat or burp but I believe its burp cause she can go longer during the day if I let her.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Or any other thoughts? Thanks.
Have you tried Gripe Water? It is a natural gas/colic “medicine” I have used before and it has helped us at times. That’s all I can think of right now..
Hi Misty, My youngest was the same way. We, too, used Colic Calm before bed at night. Also since he slept with me – after nursing I’d lay him stomach down over my chest/tummy and pat his back until he burped or fell asleep. I just couldn’t contine to get up all hours of the night, which it would have been had I not let him share our bed. I hope your little girl feels better soon – so you both can get some shut eye. Blessings ~ Heather
I have had 5 babies with horrible colic, and mine will never burp at night! I can’t count the times I caught myself jerking my sleepy head up again as I’m sitting in the rocker trying to get a burp. I finally figured out I needed to lay them down, even if they cry for a few minutes, then pick them up and sometimes the burp would even come as I’m picking them up. For some reason the laying flat just seemed to help it. We tried gripe water and the gas drops, neither worked for me. I had to cut out dairy in every form and that helped 4 out the five immensely. You could also try a different nursing postition if you think she’s gulping too much (lying on your back or side maybe?)
Our third baby was a gulper, so I frequently would nurse him lying on my side, and propping him up to nurse on the “up”side so that he was almost sitting up straight against my curled up legs and that seemed to work well. It seemed to keep the air from settling in his tummy somehow, and it didn’t get far before he’d burp (or, in his case, puke, LOL, he was a messy little thing) Also make sure (and I don’t mean to sound insulting) that she’s getting a good latch as some sleepy babies “slack off” and latch funny at night; a good latch will help her not swallow so much air. Hope something one of us posts helps!
Thanks ladies, so many good reminders. Sitting her up straight, checking latch, positions. I let my babies sleep on tummy and yes I have that experience also where you let them cry a minute pick up and they burp. I also if after about an hour can’t get them down will let them sleep with me (if they will) just so I can get some shut eye.
Last night was the worst nursed at 11 and didn’t get asleep, with her in my arms laying down till 2 back up at 345 for a quick snack but luckily feel asleep and I was able to put in cradle next to me. Alarm set for 6am to get up and ready for church which son was alter serving at. Ahhh and I had one puking and a dh who is ill also. I’m ready for a nap but that didn’t happen. Maybe tomorrow?? LOL
all of my babies have been very “colicky” – even my twins which was not fun in the middle of the night. I did a lot of what the other ladies mentioned too. One thing I found that worked with all of mine and has helped when I’ve held others’ babies is to massage their tummy on the lower left side – that is where your descending colon is. It worked like a charm the majority of the time to burst those bubbles 🙂 I would also carry them around on their tummies draped over my arm (keeps pressure on the tummy to help those bubbles) and sometimes massage with the other hand. Another odd thing that worked for us with our twins was a Bumbo seat – for whatever reason we could sit them in those and they would belch like a grown man (sorry – not very pleasant but true) and then many times fall right asleep. I hope you and baby girl get some relief!
I am just reaching the “other side” with a colicky baby — for the first 4 to 5 months mine would sleep well during the day but was up almost all night, every night.
The first thing I want to say, I am praying for you right now. Those sleepless nights are so hard. Praying for grace, for strength, for everything you will need to face this day.
Second thing is, we tried the gripe water and didn’t get a lot of relief from it. But what did make a *very* noticeable difference was baby probiotics. I was skeptical when the dr suggested we try them but I was also desperate! So I gave it a try and within 3 or 4 days she was definitely better than before. If I ever forgot to give them to her for a day or two she would regress. I won’t say that giving her probiotics took the colic away but it was a definite improvement. Worth a try?
thanks I just got the gripe water and tried it for the 1st time last night. We’ll see in a couple days if it’s helping. I love the idea of probiotics! I will keep that in mind thanks Misty
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