Building a new home- basements

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  • kerby

    I would go for it w/out hesitation!  Basements are great for that extra space you always seem to need. 

    As for leaking, there are so many variables as to why.  But, you’re building from scratch so you can easily put in those things that will take care of whatever may come up. 

    A walk-out basement would be even better because of all the light you would have. 

    There are systems you can put in and ways to treat the walls, too, to avoid the dampness/wet that could come that way.  But, again, if you’re building from scratch, you can take care of almost everything from the outside in. 


    Oh, the possibilities…!


    Thanks Sara B. and Kerby! Come to think of it, I remember living in a walk out basement type house in college for a semester. It was very comfortable and never smelled of mildew.

    This gives me something positive to think on. 🙂

    SaraB., I privately emailed you about something. But not sure if it was your latest email address or not.


    I didn’t read any of the replies, but wanted to chime in about basements.  We build our home nearly 11 years ago and have a daylight basement and LOVE it.  We have had no problems at all with moisture, but used a product called Reward Wall.  You can learn more about it here ~  We learned about it during our planning phase and were sold on the product.  Plus my husband did most of the work, so it actually helped save us money during building. It’s awesome to have an already insulated basement.  We live in the the wet, wet Pacific NW (SW Washington) and have had no leaking or moisture problems.  Our basement is finished and is part of our daily living area.  You can pm me if you have any questions.  I’m not affiliated with the product, just a super happy customer and if we build again and have a basement, we’ll use it for sure.

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