Brand new–how to incorporate a few things

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Getting Started with CM Brand new–how to incorporate a few things

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  • Klhintx

    I am very new at this and trying to figure out how to do a few things that I am still confused on????

    Math facts—-how do we do math facts? do they memorize them just using flashcards or is there another way implementing the CM way?

    Handwriting/Copywork—-I understand that after they know the alphabet, they use copywork instead of a handwriting worksheet, BUT if they are just now learning the cursive letters, how else would you do that?? Don’t they have to just sit down and do a page of cursive R’s to learn how to make them and THEN once they know all the cursive letters, they practice it doing copywork?

    One last question for now—when narrating, do you now have them narrate EVERY book you read, even the ones for pleasure, even the ones at bedtime, etc.? My children have ALWAYS loved being read to and now that I am asking for narrations this week after EVERY book, the response has been, can you just read this one, Mom?” Will they loose their joy of me picking up a book to read to them if they have to narrate every time??????

    I have other questions, but I’ll start there for now! Thanks for any help or insight as this is brand new to me!



    Regarding the copywork, I don;t know how others have done it, but I had my DD just practice the page of yes R’s…however I would mix up how she does it. We would use a whiteboard, in the air, sand, mirrors in the bathroom, etc. It made something dull… fun! She then worked through a sursive handbook which had a certificate at the end. By the time she had finihsed that, she was able to start handwriting scripture, etc which is the stage she is at now. =) HTH!!


    Hey Kim,

    If you will peruse the math subject of the forum, you may get some good ideas for facts practice. Most curriculums will include that sort of thing, as well. We’ve used flash cards, wrap-ups, Quarter Mile Math, Calculadder, and copywork. There are those things that just need to be drilled.

    Handwriting – you are right that they need to learn to form letters first. We’ve used Handwriting with a Purpose, some have spoken of Handwriting Without Tears, and for cursive I make my own. Then there is Draw Write Now, but in the early stages, I make sure I’m sitting right there helping with letter formation.

    No, we do not narrate EVERY book we read. I can see where that would kill a desire. Others will have better ideas, I’m sure, but I let my guys know which I will be asking for a narration on. And typically that is the books I assign (whether I read or they read), versus those they pick up on their own or ones that we read spontaneously. And I have them dictate to me their narrations periodically, not always, as I type it up. Then we can work together to put the polish on, so to speak. Also, if you will look at the main site there is a place with lots of nice narration ideas to consider.




    I found SCM’s ‘Narration Ideas’ (on their main site under ‘Time Savers’) to be very helpful in adding flavor to the whole narration process. We only narrate subject-related, assigned readings and allow the ‘pleasure’ readings to remain undisturbed (we actually almost always have an unplanned discussion period after each reading which happens naturally due to their interest and needed clarification).

    Quite honestly, I’m the one that feels burdened (might be too strong of a word – not sure how else to word it) with the many narrations sometimes. I need to learn how to slow down and remind myself that it is part of their learning. When they see how much I enjoy it, they enjoy it all the more.

    You found the right place for direction – SCM and it’s forum are wonderful resources. Good luck.


    I use Calculadder for math facts and once they hit about 4th or 5th we move over to Teaching Textbooks. For copywork we use Getty/Dubay and then once they have cursive down we move to strict copywork.

    As for narrating. CM did believe that every book used in school should be narrated. But, the ones for pleasure were just that for pleasure.

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