Boy of the Pyramids good for 6 and 4 year olds?

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  • jewel7123

    Can anyone tell me if the Boy of the Pyramids is appropriate to be used in 1st grade with a 6 year old, but more importantly, with a 4 year old tagalong?  Is there anything in this book I should be worried about as far as content?  (Violence, tragedy, gods and goddesses, etc.?)




    This book was one of my kids’ favorites this year!  My boys were 7, 6, and 3 when we read it.  There were  few times that I had to say “You know they believed __________, but we know that isn’t true. We believe _________.”  They accepted it and we moved on.   I think it’s a great book! 

    Richele Baburina

    Our family really enjoyed this book (M was 7 and L had just turned 5 in Oct.) as well.  There are a few paragraphs where offerings are brought to the temple for the gods.

    Are you using Boy of the Pyramids in conjunction with the SCM Genesis thru Deut. & Ancient Egypt?  I ask because there is “A Word on Mythology” for parents on p. 11 and a table in the back called “The True God vs. The Egyptian gods” which shows how God discredited (and judged) the Egyptian gods through each of the plagues.  (I have the 1st ed. and assume it is still in the 2nd). 




    I’m actually thinking of using it as a go along for Tapestry of Grace Year 1. 


    I found a copy at my library. One of mine was 6 and he thoroughly enjoyed the book. Smile

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