Books to Supplement Rosetta Stone French Level 1?

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    My dd is in 10th grade and we are just now starting a foreign language.  She only has three years left of school and I feel very stressed out.  The college she wants to go to requires 3 years of foreign language and I feel behind now.

    We just started Rosetta Stone French Level 1, but she already complaining that she needs to understand the grammar of the language more.  I was reading online and saw that many others say you need to supplement RS with grammar books to truly make it a high school course.  I did not realize this when I ordered RS.  I do not speak french so I cannot help her.

    Any recommendations for supplemental grammar books, etc that we can add to RS?


    My dd14, in 9th, is studying French 1 with a private French tutor (a friend) via Skype.  They are meeting once weekly for lesson and once for convo. Practice with dd and a girl there learning English.  The basis of this class is watching Little House on the Prairie in French, 1 episode per couple of weeks, coupled with a set of books (levels 1-3) called Alex et Zoe. The books are geared younger, but the progress will be quick.  My friend, the tutor, speaks 5 languages fluently and is a gifted teacher. She doesn’t recommend Rosetta Stone for anything more than vocabulary.  I don’t know if that helps, but wanted to share what we’re doing.


    When looking at the Italian program, I was wondering the same thing and came across this review:

    Although he was reviewing the Italian version, his ideas resonate for any of the languages, I think. I found it helpful. From what he says, any grammar book that lays out the grammar rules should work as he finds the program so nearly complete. I’m not sure whether a specific brand is necessary. I ended up buying the power pack for both Italian and French so that I’d have the grammar books included (Barron’s). I haven’t received them yet so I’m curious to see what others have to say on this topic.


    missceegee–where do you get the Little House videos in French?

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