Books, to save or not to save?

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  • Marie Barck

    Do you plan on saving your curriculum books like Math, Grammar, History, etc. for your children’s children if they choose to homeschool?

    I know I will save a few favorite classic literature books for sure, but as we are finishing early levels with my youngest, I am torn as what to do with her first readers, math, and books that go along with SCM science, etc.

    Has anyone been through this dilemma? Or have any insight to offer?

    If you saved books, what did you save and why?  What did you feel was not worth hanging on to and why?


    I plan on only keeping literature books (from history, reading for fun, science living books…) not text books. I grew up being homeschooled and things change so fast. My mom only kept literature books and passed them onto me, which was great. Everything I used growing up, except Saxon math, is pretty outdated now.

    From history to science things are always changing and being updated. I have a friend that invested in a nice history curriculum and found it was not a good fit, but she waited to sell it for a couple years and it had been revised to a new addition and she could barely even give it away. She said she should have sold or passed it on when it was current so it could be used instead of it sitting on a shelf unused.

    I would just hold onto books and things that you really enjoyed as a family and would like to pass on to children and grandchildren, the rest, pass on while still current and able to be used by other homeschooling families.


    If you enjoyed the reading books associated with history or science keep the books and sell or pass on the guides. That way others can benefit from the guide and you can pass on the books that you enjoyed as a family to your children.

    Marie Barck

    Thanks for your insight!

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