Books to go with continent by continent geography study

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  • 4myboys

    I am looking for book suggestions to go along with a possible continent by continent geography study.  Can anyone recommend favorites for grades 4 and 7?  Looking for both fiction and non fiction, historical or otherwise.  


    Do you have All Through the Ages, by Christine Miller? There’s an entire section devoted to books that may be used for this type of geograly stucy. It’s an awesome resource!


    Thanks for the tip!



    I know I mentioned to you already about Winter Promise’s “children around the world” but the readers are happening all over the world.

    Hidden tales from Eastern Europe

    Real kids, real stories, real change (lots of different countries)

    Missionaries stories from around the world

    Facing the lion: growing up Maasai (Africa)

    Rain Forest Adventures (Brasil)

    Star of light (Middle East ?)

    Iqbal (Pakistan I think)

    Island of the blue dolphins

    There are some more in the cultural experiences set

    The magazines about Italy and Australia were nice.

    I had not bought the whole set, didn’t get their Christmas books but found books at the library about how Christmas is celebrated all over the world, that was pretty cool.

    They have a bunch included in the cultural experience set as well.

    One magazine about Italy and one about Australia we really liked.


    I sent you a PM with some titles to see if that’s what you’re looking for at this time.

    I also found this link through Lindafay’s CMHelp yahoogroup (year 5 is heavy on geography).




    Apologia has a course called Around the World in 180 Days. It might be an option.

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