Would anyone be able to recommend any books on outdoor survival skills? My children spend a lot of time outdoors and want to do more hiking and camping but mom’s a little leary. My oldest is almost fifteen.
Our family hasn’t yet read any books on outdoor survival skills, but you might be able to get your hands on a Boy Scout handbook or something. Also I have heard that The American Boys’ Handy Book by Daniel Beard is a great resource for adventurous young men.
Also – Do you guys get Survivor Man in the States?
If interested in reading this…. Scouts Canada has created a challenge based on Survivor Man for Venturers (ages 14-17)…. you might find the requirements interesting…
Build the Perfect Survival Kit by John D. McCann – wonderful book with survival kits of every size, even one that fits in a sucrets tin. 🙂
The Ultimate Guide to U.S. Army Survival edited by Jay McCullough – this one is huge and might be more than you are looking for. It’s 954 pages.
When All Hell Breaks Loose by Cody Lundin – this one is really about survival in emergency situations, but it’s a great book with a lot of information and is
4-H has a set called “Outdoor Adventures.” I havent used that particular title, but we have used the Photography and Health guides and have been very pleased with the content. You do not have to be in a 4H group to order.