I’m a mom of three boys. 7, almost 5, and 14mo. I homeschool my 7 year old and my almost five yr old goes to preschool at a local church. So, my oldest gets a lot of attention and my baby gets a lot of attention too. Some days I can juggle it all well and my middle gets good quality time too but often times he doesn’t. For that I think he’s jealous of his baby brother and can be a little too rough with him. Sometimes I think it’s just out of love and excitement for him others I think it’s jealousy. Anyways, that being said I’m looking for books to instill a defender of the weak mentality / you are a protector to my middle boy but also my older although he’s already very protective! Is there any good books out there that would be appropriate to show heros defending/protecting others? Or any other good ideas to help him learn gentleness? And what about consequences for lack of gentleness? I just don’t want him to feel more secluded by the consequence. Well, this may all sound like rambling but if you can offer advice/books I’d greatly appreciate it.
I am not sure what the series is called, but there is a series similar to American Girls. We Read The Journal Of Jonathan Jasper about a boy that was a bond servant on the mayflower around Thanksgiving. It might be called Dear America? I will try to look it up and repost.