- I have some books for sale all prices include shipping. You can e-mail me at roslyn j harris at gmail dot com (no spaces or caps) I take PayPal but please check before you PayPal me;)
A Beka Discovering God`s World set, Gr. 1 — $12 ppd. Good. Teacher edition and student reader. e3 The teachers manual is in good used condition with no writing or rips or missing pages. It contains lots of extra project, extension, and experiment ideas as well as lesson plans. The student reader is in fair condition with some writing on the question pages, some is erased, and bumping on the top and bottem of spine. There are no ripped or missing pages.
Picture books mostly from Memoria press 1st read aloud set, — $40 ppd. Nice. 10 books from the mp 1st grade read aloud set plus 4 more. Most are hardback. Abe lincoln, wynken blynken, A house is a house for me,Rechenkas eggs, the moon shines down, the very 1st Thanksgiving day, the little island, a picture book of Christopher Columbus, miss twiggleys tree, A visitor for bear, Berlioz the bear, Walter the baker, a tale for easter, we were tired of living in a house.
Rod and Staff Beginning Arithmetic, Gr. 1 — $8 ppd. Nice. Teacher edition eCur used in Memoria Press k and 1st
Science unit studies for homeschoolers and teachers Grs. K-8 — $8 ppd. Nice. Many lesson plans, material lists and printables for hands on science