Books and Things Seminar

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  • HiddenJewel

    I want to use CM with my younger set (K, 3rd grade) and so am trying to immerse myself as much as I can so I can do it well. I have watched Sonya’s All Day CM Seminar. But reading the description on the Books and Things Seminar I am wondering if it would be better to watch that sooner than later. Thoughts?




    I have it and love it. I have watched it once all the way through (I think) and watched it again a while back (but not all the way through) and gathered even more information the second time around. I need to watch it again all the way through, maybe I will this week, you gave me a good idea.

    I like how it focuses just on books and things but really focuses on books, which is why I bought it.



    I like it better, I think, than the All-Day Seminar.  Having a 15,000 volume lending library, I often get asked if all we do is sit around and read books for school.  I’ve always said, “No. Real books, real life.  That’s our education.”  And this is really what CM was talking about, I believe. 

    Yes…I need to watch this again as well.  It’s been awhile and summer is a great time to revamp the vision.



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