Books about their bodies, changes, male/female etc.

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  • anniepeter

    What do you all use for this kind of thing??  And for teaching about right girl/boy relationships when they start becoming attracted to somone??  Your favorites, please share!  This as a whole new arena for me.  My 14 yo son seems to be quite interested in a young lady now and I feel the need to fill in some gaps before any more time goes by. 



    We have a few books about changes – God’s Will For My Body by John Coblentz is probably my favorite, also Christian Manhood by Merle Eschleman and Noah Mack (this one deals a bit with courtship as well).  Right boy/girl relationships – that is harder as everyone seems to find the appropriate standard to be different.  If you are conservative, and along the courtship lines of thinking, John Coblentz also has a couple of books out – Courtship that Glorifies God and Before You Say Your Vows.  Young Man Be Strong by Burkholder is not directly about courtship or body changes, but deals with related issues.



    There’s a book called Real Love by Mary Beth Bonacci.  It explaines the difference between real love and infatuation type feelings. 


    Before You Meet Prince Charming (for both girls and guys, in my opinion), Of Knights and Fair Maidens, Queen Homeschool books on development and relationships, What He Must be if He Wants to Marry My Daughter, Every Young Man’s Battle, most anything from Vision Forum.


    THanks so much ladies!  I will check into these.  Anyone else want to contribute or second any of these??





    Hi Julie, I’d like to second Queens series. Sandi Queen wrote a beautiful story called “The Boy and the Rose” which deals with purity in girl boy relationships. God bless you & yours, Heather

    I second Before you meet prince charming and anything from Vision Forum


    I’ve also heard good things about Josh Harris’ books such as I Kissed Dating Goodbye, but have not seen them personally.




    Second Josh Harris! My dd12  is going to read “I Kissed Dating…” when the time comes.  She knows that we intend to do courtship with her.  A bonus to Josh is that he was homeschooled.  His parents are homeshcool “pioneers”

    I third Queens series and may I suggest Books By Eric or Leslie Ludy as well. They are a couple from Windsor, CO who let God write their love story. Their focus is equipping young men and women to have a beautiful pure relationship with Christ first. You can visit their website and book store at

    My 13y/o dd will be reading Set-Apart Femininity and Authentic Beauty  this school year and my 11y/o ds will be reading Bravehearted Gospel next year, all three by the Ludys.

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