I just noticed in your bookfinder you have new tags called scm module 1-6. How do we use these with the curriculum guides modules ? and are module 5 & 6 completed? Thank you, Giselle. If this subject has already been addressed, sorry, just tell me which tag to read and I will read on. Thanks again
Wow, you’re quick! I’ve just started adding those tags to identify the books that are in the Curriculum Guide for the history/geography/Bible modules. So far I have modules 1-4 done. I’m hoping to get 5 and 6 done over the weekend.
Eventually, I’d like to tag all the books used in other subjects on the Guide too.
So I understand correctly, I will able to go to the module 1-6 in the book finder and those are the recommended books for that module. How is this different then reading the book list from the curriculum guide?
For the people using the organizer, they can quckily schedule the books from the bookfinder… so with the tags they can very quickly find the books for the module they want to do and schedule them.
Right. Plus, if you’re browsing in the Bookfinder, you’ll be able to see if a particular book is recommended in a future module. For example, if you were looking at Then and Now Bible Maps, you would be able to see at a glance that it is used in several modules.
The one thing that the Curriculum Guide does differently is qualify which grade levels the books are used in. I didn’t include that information on the tags.