I just love libary book sales. I went to 2 of them with my mom yesterday, and I came home with a large box, 3 paper grocery bags, and 1 plastic grocery bag full of awesome, great, living books (and a few for fun thrown in). All for $49! Could not believe the deals I got! A bunch of them were old vintage books, too, published in 1920s and earlier! Sweet deal, since those were only $1 each! Just wanted to share my awesome finds!
Now I can’t wait until our library book sale in two weeks! I love all the good deals. It does amaze me though that so many people and libraries just dump these yummy books.
Be sure to check out http://www.booksalefinder.com/ to find books sales in your area. They don’t list all of the sales around here but they get a lot of them.
Whoopeeeee!!! Thanks, Doug. Awesome site, especially since we have many county library branches and suburban libraries here, all within a 20- or 30-minute drive!