We’re hosting a four day Black Friday/Cyber Monday book sale. Get $1 off any book priced $2 or more. The sky is the limit! I have all subjects, including many Ambleside Online titles, Beautiful Feet, Five in a Row, Sonlight, TruthQuest, and titles you’ll find the SCM Book Finder. You can find the books listed here….
Hi Melissa! I sent you a message on your website concerning the books I would like to purchase from you. I just wanted to post here to make sure you received it. Let me know if it didn’t go through. 🙂
Thanks for your inquiries. Unfortunately, I didn’t get either of your requests. Feel free to send me an e-mail at m.greenebalts@yahoo.com and I will honor your requests. I apologize for the inconvenience.
I am looking for the Beautiful Feet Western Expansion set. Do you have that? I came across an older blog post of yours which mentioned using it, and I was just wondering if you had it for sale.
Thanks for your inquiry Heather! I am not selling the BF Western Expansion set yet and probably won’t for some time because I hold things we love for our younger son (age 3) and my niece. However, I do have several duplicate copies of BF books for sale in the history book sale list. They should each be marked BF.