I just wanted to share how we used those wonderful timeline figures from Homeschool in the Woods.
DS is 10 this year, (dd 8 and ds5, dd 5) and the BOC and timeline figures has not really clicked until now.
After two terms of rich reading about the Middle Ages, I printed out a few sheets of the timeline figures from that time period. I had all four children (age 11 down to 5) look over the figures and asked them to tell me which ones the recognized and what they knew about them. What a GREAT time of assessment! It was like our end-of-the-year exam for history!
Then, I asked ds10 to choose 12 or so that he thought were the most important and paste them into his Book of Centuries. He loved it, and actually chose more than 12. He really enjoyed talking about the people and events with me as he put together his book.
It was an authentic, simple, effective, and painless wrap up to a great year of history. I had dd8 to wait to begin her BOC, and she is looking forward to starting in a couple of years.
Great idea that I’ll borrow when we get to that time in history! I know my girls will enjoy it! Right now we are doing a family wall timeline using The Big Picture Bible Timeline.