Book of Centuries Question

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  • missceegee

    I’ve been meaning to start a family BOC for a while now and have just printed it out and bound it.

    I’m a list maker like Sonya and will go that route, but my question has to do with individual entries. We are currently using SCM’s Module 3 – Matthew through Acts and Ancient Rome. There are very few entries noted in the sidebar of this book, but are these all that most of you enter? Do you make an entry for each person from Famous Men of Rome, for example, or just those listed?

    I know I will add in artists and people, as well as books set in a time period, but I’m wondering about how much to enter historically. It seems I should make a weekly entry, but maybe that’s overkill.

    I appreciate your thoughts.



    Hello Christie.

    In our family, we have some time scheduled every Friday to make our Book of Time entries and pretty much stick to what we’ve discussed during the week, just so that it doesn’t get to be overburdening.  (I know of some families who just let it go because it was just too time consuming.)  I don’t worry too much about missing something, because the way we’re approaching our Book(s) of Time is as a life-long project.  As we plan to rotate eras through the years, things missed in the past will be noted.  There are times when entries are requested and made from individual readings.

    We LOVE our Books of Time!

    Wishing you many enjoyable hours with yours! Smile



    Thanks, live2inspire, for your encouragement. We are getting going, but I’m still curious as to exactly what everyone puts in each week.



    I have our Book of Centuries with us as we read just about anything. We jot down as we read (usually waiting until the end of the chapter or section). I found this is the best way to keep up the BOC and I don’t see it as a daily or weekly event – just something we “keep up.” If we neglect it for awhile, I’m okay with that too. Try out different ways of using your book and you’ll find your groove.

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