So, we have started a timeline book many times over. Either the kids didn’t like it, or I forgot to update it or perhaps it was just the one thing that kept getting pushed aside. How do you all manage your BOC’s and what do they wind up looking like? I have a gorgeous one that I really want to encourage my 11yodd to work on this year as next year she will be in 8th grade and hopefully she can carry it on through high school. I guess I just need some ‘business end’ advice on how, where, and when to make it flow- the creativity part I get, we will be using timeline figures, clip art, sketches, etc…advice anyone, with my sincere thanks!
Well, we use a wall timeline, because I can’t forget about something that is always there looking at me. 😉
But as far as updating it, I do have one day per week ON THE SCHEDULE to do timeline figures. Sometimes we do it sooner or more often. If we finish a good history book, the kids ususally ask if they can put something on the timeline about it. It is sometimes a bit of a rabbit trail, but it gets done.
bumping this up so hopefully some of you with older kids/teens can give some advice on this. Is it a part of your schooling? Mydd is a bit resistant. I am thinking of letting her do a timeline on the computer but I like the book so she can get a bit of a sense of how BIG history is..would love some dialog about this 🙂
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