Book of Centuries

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  • csmamma

    My son is starting his own Book of Centuries. Few questions..

    #1. After my son finishes reading each book listed in the modules, would he then place the person or event he learned about in his book of centuries?

    #2. When reading living books, how do you know the exact century to place the person or event in- when some of the books don’t even list the date? Will he just have to go and do some more research to find out?

    #3. I’m not that good at knowing or gathering all the dates and times. I’m secretly hoping for a list that might tell me which century each of the books listed in the module take place in ; Is this just wishful thinking OR is there one?

    Thanks again a million times over! 🙂

    Karen Smith

    He doesn’t necessarily have to wait until he finishes the book. He can record people and events as he comes across them in his reading. That helps to cement them in his memory.

    Some of the resources we have used to find dates are the CM Bookfinder, The Timetables of History book by Bernard Grun,, and

    Most of the books in our history modules are in the Bookfinder. If the whole book covers a specific person or event then there should be historical time period dates already entered.


    Karen, where is my mind? I completely forgot about the Bookfinder telling me the dates! Thanks for the reminder and the other helpful resource suggestions! You and the team have surely simplified my life! 🙂

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