Book cover picture disappearing

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  • Amy

    Does this happen to anyone else? It keeps happening to me, and I have to go in and re-edit the resource, have it search the ISBN & find the cover page, save the edit, then go to the reschedule menu and have it use the updated resource. I’ve used Chrome & Firefox in Linux. I think it’s always happened with resources I have editted or created. It’s not a big thing, but it helps me scan my list faster when I can see the cover photos.

    Jordan Smith

    Sorry about the problem with the covers. Has this been happening recently, or is it some older resources? We discovered that somewhere along the line, a bunch of older resources lost the covers somehow. But everything should be working correctly now.

    If it’s still happening now, is the problem occurring on just one resource, or on many? If it’s just one or a few, which one(s)?

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