Hi Everyone:I am writing in regards to the High School book suggestions for the Modern Times guide, “How Should We Then Live,” and also, “7 Men Who Ruled The World From The Grave.” I was wondering if you can let me know about your experience in having your high schooler read these books? I am thinking these books will be quite a challenge for my 11th grader to get through, as the content is very deep and philosophical. (I once attended a study group where we watched the How Should We Then Live series , and it was difficult for me as an adult to get though).
Please share your experiences with either these two suggestions, or something you substituted if you thought they might be too difficult.
When my 12th grade son was using that guide we had the same issue with both the books so, what we did was to have him drop down to the 7-9 books. So on the days when How Should We Then Live/7 Men Who Ruled the World was scheduled he would read instead the book scheduled for grade 7-9. Does that make sense?
It’s probably a bit late now, but I thought I would share my experience with How Should We Then Live. I had to read it in a college world history class, and I really struggled with it. I got about 2/3 of the way through, and he finally got to his point! (The way an artist does his art is influenced by his world view, therefore we can learn a lot about how people or historical groups thought by analyzing their art.) As soon as I saw that, I thought, “OH, that’s what I’ve been supposed to get all along!” Then I wished I had time to read back through the book and see what I had missed, but of course, as a college student, I did not have the time to do that!
So my suggestion would be to help the student understand where the book is going before he starts it, so he can see what’s going on along the way. Perhaps that’s only important for a global-to-parts learner, but I could not piece it together from the detailed parts Schaeffer was presenting, at all. It would have helped me massively.
Upon further reflection, another thing that would have helped me as I went along was to have a copy of the works of art Schaeffer was referencing. It was long before Google, and he kept talking about specific works, what they looked like, and what they meant–I had not lived long enough to have seen ANY of them, and my class did not show them, either. If I could have actually seen what he was referencing, I might have understood it better, too.
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