I typed up my own version of a Book of Centuries and printed out the many pages. And I have not entered one single thing since I did that last Spring! I like how Beautiful Feet uses pictures for the main people/events read about. Thought of ditching mine and buying theirs just to get going with something.But feel guilty; all that time and paper you know?
My boys are young 7.5 and 5.5 and so I thought we’d do one together till they were a fair bit older. Everything else is going so smoothly, I know it would be a simple thing to add (hopefully!) I feel a pictorial one would help make more of a connection for now, but I’m not That good of an artist. Also, am feeling like I need to go back thru last years content Creation-Ancient Times and make entries for the things that stood out to them that they remember, as well as including some of our favorite Lit selections (like when Helen Keller lived, when Heidi was printed, etc.) and some basic family history dates (when grandparents were born and where, etc) to see how their story is a part of history too.
How do you incorporate this in your homeschool? Ideas? Thoughts?
My son started his BOC last year (when he was 9). We are very basic – no pics unless he takes the initiative (LOL…that hasn’t happened).
I assign him to add one item to his timeline each week on Friday, after we have completed all of our readings for the week. He adds whatever person/event interests him at that time.
We add a person/event on Fridays as well. I add it to the schedule for the day so I don’t forget.
I have my dc add in what may be suggested in our SCM history guide and/or anyone else they want to add. My oldest makes a note of the event/person, no drawings. My younger two love to draw so they draw and add the event/person. My dc, especially my younger two, really love this part of our studies and I love to hear what they remember as they’re drawing the event/person. They normally add something to the drawing that reminds them of something without my prompting.
Last week I had them add themselves to their books and they thought that was sooo cool.
This “subject” is much like Nature Study to me…it’s a necessity but one of the first things to let slide, well, in my house anyway. So adding it to my schedule really helped and now we don’t let it go, plus, my dc love it. They love Nature Study, too, so that has been added so I don’t forget.
How important is it for your children to each have their own? My kids are 10 and 6 and we tried to do a wall timeline and add to it each week but it was super hard to stay diligent. However, I printed out the free BOC pages and put them in a binder and I thought we’d just do a BOC as a family. But, my plan is to do a family one all the way through instead of letting them each do an individual one. Do you think this is a bad idea?
I guess that depends on the family. My dc would not like that at all. My oldest reads from books that his brothers don’t/haven’t and likes to add what he wants and look through his without all the drawings and such. Obviously if you were the one adding then they couldn’t argue over the way you have entered the event/person. My kids, especially my younger two, really like to personalize certain things and this is one of them. And my oldest doesn’t so much care about the personalization of it all, but would not like to be tied to his bros. drawings as his time line.
Hope that makes sense. I’m sure others will share what their family does, but for us, all 3 having their own has proven to be the best.
As far as it being a bad idea…well, that’s up to you. I think doing one as a family is great, but like your dc, mine have a pretty big gap in their ages so my oldest (13) will be reading from books/exposed to different things that my youngest won’t for quite some time. I don’t like my dc to add anyone that they have not studied, in some way, on their own. But that just makes sense to me..I couldn’t have people/events in mine that I have not studied…I’d never really remember anything about it just from the entry alone.
I think once they reach a certain age (10?, 12?) they should have their own. Before that, a family one might work… As I’m doing AO, they are going to have their own (or else the younger kids would have everything already added by the older kids by the time they get to an event.) – We are doing a basic timeline book for AO years 1-6, then getting the great SCM Book of Centuries for years 7+ (well, that is the plan. That said, my son might get one before AO year 7 as he is 9 and in AO year 2….)
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