I am currently enrolled in a college level Children’s Literature class and you can imagine the “fun” I’ve been having with some of the disucssions about what is considered appropriate and what’s not. I am the only homeschooling mom in the class (as far as I know) and obviously I have a different take on the use of literature in a child’s life.
We are currently discussing the merits (or lack of) gore and blood and guts in children’s books. I am fine with fantasy although it is not my personal favorite when it comes to literature, children’s or otherwise. Historical fiction is my favorite genre. The whole “blood and guts” thing though is NOT okay with me. I just don’t see a need for it. I do not see this genre as necessary for a child’s mental, emotional, or spiritual development. But why?
In our discussions, which are graded, it is imperative that each student stand behind his/her opinions with some solid reasoning. I’m not coming up with anything “solid” as far as a liberal college class professor is concerned.
Aside from the standard of giving our children good, noble, and right ideas . . . maybe you could come at it from the flip-side of the old socialization question: The blood, guts, and gore violent literature presents the antithesis of a socialized person, or even a good “world citizen.” Even the age old physicians’ motto starts with “First do no harm.” How can we hope to raise children who get along socially if their thoughts are dwelling on violence toward other human beings and a fascination with blood and guts?
Sonya, that is a great viewpoint. Yes, much of what I’m trying to verbalize is done so eloquently by your words! Add to that I think it’s just such a waste of time, paper, ink, binding, library space etc. There are so many other wonderful books to read I think it’s just nuts to spend time reading that stuff to kids or to encourage kids to spend their time reading it.
I used to read a lot of Patricia Cornwell and James Patterson. I like the mystery and the “thrilling” aspect of it but one day I just couldn’t bring myself to finish a JP book—it dawned on me the time I was wasting reading the gore that accompanies his books.
I know these authors do not write for children and that children’s “blood and guts” books are not as intense but I still think time could be better spent on more wholesome books.