I am not sure what to start with as far as Modules go. I have been reading all the posts and still dont get it! I have a 9th grader and 10th grader and was wondering where to begin with modules. Should I start with 1 for them both? Do you have to get ALL the books recomended or just some?? I downloaded the Doctrine Notebook. So now how do I begin????? Please help…. I feel like I am going crazy trying to figure out what my highschoolers need just to graduate. Thank You in advance to anyone that can help :0), Jodi
It’s really your choice as to where to start. You may base that choice on where you ended up last school year. Also, you will want to know what your requirements are for highschool history, if any. For instance, we have to teach American History with a gov’t emphasis for one credit and World History for another credit. Then we can do what we want. Now, that can be tailored. For example, we’re using module 6 for our World History since we spend so much time studying the wars in Europe.
Sonya can speak more intelligently on the subject, but I think the list of books is intended to be read through in entirety. Of course, you are free to make your own substitutions and additions/deletions. In this vein, I would recommend that your truly do peruse the list and decide for yourself that, yes, you want your children to read such and such. I know that Karen and Sonya are very strong on sharing what they believe works but wanting us to make our own determinations.
As for the Doctrine Notebook. Someone else will have to reply. We had one child get totally overwhelmed with it, as did I when trying to do it for myself (but then I’m not very organized). We had such a difficult time categorizing scriptures. We both spent more time trying to decide whether a scripture fit a certain topic than we did actually reading scripture and it snowballed from there. That is not to say that we won’t try it again one day perhaps. On the other hand, another child got out her One-Year Bible and marched right through it in two years. She has graduated now but is still planning on writing up her doctrinal statements under the tutelage of our pastor.
I don’t have a whole lot to add to this discussion, except to say that I bought “Planning Your CM Education” (which is a SCM product). This book, step by step, walks you through the whole process of what you want to teach and when to do it. It also includes state requirement helps. If you’re not sure what you should be doing with your high schoolers, then maybe this would be a good place for you to start. I know this book really helped me. 🙂
I can tell you what I would recommend, but of course the decision is up to you (and any local requirements that you need to meet). If your oldest has only three years left, start with module 4. You will be leaving out the ancients and a lot of Scripture study that lays the foundation for modules 4-6, but you can supplement as needed.
For example, you might just start reading through the Bible with the boys. Divide it into three years, and start reading. As you read you can record your doctrine findings together in the Discovering Doctrine book. Make it a three-year project.
You can also assign some books from the Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome time periods as extra reading on the side or during breaks. That way he will at least have an introduction to the ancients.
As Cindy and stipegang pointed out, check your local requirements first to make sure you’ll be covering all the bases, then make any adjustments from there.
Thank you all so much, this helps a lot. I got the Planning you CM Education and that is helping out too! So If one did Goverment already.. For the other to follow which I wish we would have done together but, we had an online curriculum that didnt go over so well with all 5. It was way to hard with just 2 computers. This doesnt have Goverment in it at all right? That is one requirement. Its a good thing I looked all this up. Thanks Sonya for that planner. :0)
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