Thanks Jimmie! I’ll check these out. He read Phineas Gage a few months ago and found it very interesting.
My ds is involved in First Lego League/ Science & Robotics and his challege for this year is as follows….
2010 Challenge Engineering Meets Medicine
Can FLL teams improve our quality of life? Through the 2010 Body Forward Challenge, 9 to 16 year olds (9 to14 in the U.S. and Canada) will explore the cutting-edge world of biomedical engineering to discover innovative ways to repair injuries, overcome genetic predispositions, and maximize the body’s potential, with the intended purpose of leading happier and healthier lives.
I was hoping to get some really good living books into his hands before he begins his project research. Thanks to anyone else who can recommend others on this topic as well.
Blessings, ~ Heather