I know that some of you have used Biblioplan. I was just wondering how you used it. Did you use the cool history books? I thought about using this with my daughter, but I don’t want to stray too far from CM. Also wanted to know if anyone used the maps that go with this program. I was thinking of just using the companion and the maps. Any thoughts?
Hi, we used the companion, the maps and the timeline, because I think a timeline is a way for visual leaners of which I have one, to really connect the people and events with the reading in their heads. We did not use the cool history, I occasionally took an essay question and had them orally narrate or do a written essay on the question. That was about it – we read a lot of books more than was recommended, and some different ones, because a lot of them we had already read. I used it with highschoolers, as another facet of our history learning…we have done a lot of history in this house because we enjoy it. Hope that helps…
Thanks Linda! That’s what I was looking for. My daughter has a book of centuries so I didn’t really want the timeline. I was interested in doing history similar to the way that you described it. If it works for you then I think that is what I want to do too.