Biblical Instruction for Discipline & Training

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  • Misty

    I have Created to Be his Help Meet and actually am reading it again!  I don’t think I could read it every year but I try to every 2 years.  I have a Mr Steady and love him.

    I don’t know who was saying about to serve DH or God, and you have to remember you are to serve DH and in turn you are serving God.  That is hard at times but I know when I do better at this our entire day, week etc goes so much more smoothly, when I give opinions and not tellings of things we are more at harmony and that is hard cause I am a incontrol mom.

    Good luck and I have to admit, that we’ve slipped acouple days with tomato staking but today we are doing better, though it’s raining here like mad.  God bless  you all, MISTY



    Praise God! It sounds like God has done amazing things in your marriage and I’m sure he will continue to do so…He is so faithful! I agree with Misty that there need not be a seperation between serving God and serving your husband. When you are serving & loving your husband, you ARE serving and loving God!

    Like Shelly and Misty, I highly recommend the book Created to be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl. There are plenty of encouraging testmonies about women with unbelieving husbands whose husbands turned to Christ, simply by their wives loving and serving them. I pray that God continues the great work He has begun in you and your marriage!



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