Hi Jennifer, I know it was a while ago since you asked this question, but there is a site I know of that not only offers biblical feast notebook pages but also Torah study notebook pages.
She has lots of notebooking pages and all of them are free! She is a lovely sister in the faith, please stop by and visit her blog you won’t be sorry you did
These aren’t notebooking pages, but readings for children on a huge variety of BIblcal topics that were designed for use by children during Shabbat services. Just scroll down about 3/4 of the way:http://www.torahresource.com/OtherMaterials.html
They proved very helpful to me, especially in regards to the Counting of the Omer. They are more lesson pages for children than activity pages. You can get those types of pages at:
(**on this page, if you want specifically holiday pages, scroll down and click “Yom Tov”,meaning Good Day, it’s a common Ashkenaz way of referring to the Appointed Times and other Jewish holidays, like Purim, Hanukkah and Tu B’Shevat)
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