I feel like our Bible time suffers the most trying to get everything done w/ seven children. I want to do some sort of study w/ my son, 13, who struggles w/ his attitude and obedience but I also want to do something w/ everyone ages 2-16. What do you all do for Bible Study/Character Study?
We picked Obedience to work on this year too! We choose to read Storytime with the Millers and Benny, Boy of the Prairie (Queens HS), Obedience copywork (hymns, verses, poems, songs, and quotes), and lapbooking. Since you have a wide variety of ages. Our books wouldn’t work for your older ones! But you can find great Obedience Living books at http://www.graceandtruthbooks.com and http://www.lamplighterpublishing.com with a variety to choose from for boys or girls. Or you can choose a general one for read aloud time. For the older ones, choose one for them for independent reading. Then ask them to narrate. Here is the website for Obedience that I have got my info for copywork http://www.characterjournal.com/html/obedience.htm Here is the lapbooking website http://www.homeschoolshare.com/multi_age_lapbooks.php scroll down to Obedience Character Quality –more character qualities are there too!–and you will see templetes to print out! This may or may not work for you if you want all your children doing the same thing. Don’t think the 16 yr old would like to do it. But maybe they could learn a poem or several Bible verses about obedience. We also read Bible stories about people that obeyed. (Noah, Esther, David obeyed his father, Samuel and more!) I have also talked about who disobeyed like Jonah -then what happened to him?
This seems to be working for us! I hope this helps you! We do it once a week on Fridays.
Our family suffered in this area too. We’ve gotten lots of help from the Maxwells concerning family bible & devotion time – particularly with a wide age range of children. “Feed My Sheep: A Family Guide to Practical Family Bible Time” which is 2 CD set , gives ways to involve all the children together with only a Bible needed. Its so simple and real without all the extras. Gods Word is alive and able to transform our hearts no matter what our age :).
I know they’re a little pricey, and I just have the version for girls right now as my ds is not quite a year old, but have you looked into Polished Cornerstones (girls) and Plants Grown Up (boys by Doorposts)? I’ve loved Polished Cornerstones – there are Bible ideas and projects dealing with character from age 4 (or even younger – my dd almost 3 loves helping her big sister with hers) all the way up to 18…actually, I need to do some of the activities for my personal growth too! One book (per gender) lasts you preschool-high school. So for example, last month we focused on respect. We read Bible verses, made lists of how to respect others, illustrated Bible verses, did a special “Daddy Day” to honor Daddy with his favorite things (a special meal, we dressed up for him, we treated him with respect, etc). For the older girls there are book suggestions, papers to write, in-depth BIble studies, etc. I just love that it will grow with my children and we can do it together, no matter the ages.
Erin =)
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