Bible verses to go along with habits being taught

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  • anniepeter

    I’ve been thinking about this for a while…and wonder if anyone would be interested in posting verses they think particularly applicable to the various habits we are instilling.  I am working on attentiveness right now, and am contemplating what verses I might be able to use.  Any ideas?  We might start collecting ideas for many habits here, if y’all are interested, and it could become a handy reference for all!


    Have you seen Pam Forster’s books? One is Polished Cornerstones but there are two others. They are exactly this.



    I have For Instruction in Righteousness, but had forgotten about it. I had actually planned on using it for this, note that I think of it… Way back in the cobwebs of my mind!  I will get it out again. I never really figured out how to use it and then forgot to pursue it.  One thing I struggle with is that it is opposite the way I want to think.  For example, if I want to teach truthfulness, I have to go to “lying”.  Maybe I need to make a comparison list to reference.  I am willing to learn to use it.  Would you mind sharing how you have used it in your family, when you have time?  Thank you!


    That was going to be my recommendation! Sometime looking up synonyms and antonyms help find key words to look for in your concordance.


    We are using a few things. My absolute favorite are the Character Qualities posted by Rachel Carmen. I hang the beautiful, color version on the wall in the school room, each one generally has a corresponding verse. I also tie these into copywork each week. One day she will copy the Character Quality and definition, the next, the verse that goes with it. If you scroll closer to the end of my blog post you will see how I use/organize these Character Qualities 🙂 ….

    As a family, we are just getting started with Our 24 Family Ways by Clay Clarkson which addresses 24 Character Traits/Habits/Values in a 5 day a week family devotional format. I love the simple, easy lay-out, the re-producible coloring book which is perfect for my fidgety, hands on learner and also my noisy 2 year old. 🙂

    And lastly, I recently discovered a book called Everyday Graces: A Child’s Book of Good Manners by Karen Santorum (yay for great, used selection on Amazon!). It teaches manners/habits/character traits etc. through literature with corresponding scripture sprinkled throughout. So I plan to read selections from this that line up with whatever Character Quality we are focusing on for the week.

    I would LOVE the Laying Down the Rails series but, it’s not even remotely in our budget right now. *sigh* So this mixture is what is working for us right now. 🙂


    You can try here: You type your topic into the search and it pulls up all the verses in the bible that apply. It’s not 100% accurate. I’ve had it miss verses before and/or include ones I don’t really think apply, but it’s a good start. 🙂

    Doug Smith

    Most of the habits in Laying Down the Rails for Children have Bible passages included.


    A Child’s Book of Character books 1 and 2 have Scripture and definitions along with short one page stories on character.  It is in the old SCM guide for personal development, grades 1 and 2.  We liked these.


    Thank you all!  I have a bunch now and I’m ready to go!  Hsmama… That open bible thing is great. Wow!


    Hmm, here are a few verses regarding attentiveness that come to mind for me. Not sure if they are exactly what you are looking for, but in case they help:

    Proverbs 4:25-27

    25 Let your eyes look straight ahead;
    fix your gaze directly before you.
    26 Give careful thought to the paths for your feet
    and be steadfast in all your ways.
    27 Do not turn to the right or the left;
    keep your foot from evil.

    Or Jeremiah 7:24

    But they did not listen or pay attention; instead, they followed the stubborn inclinations of their evil hearts. They went backward and not forward.

    Or Isaiah 30:21

    Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”


    Those are great Leslie!  I’ll add them to my list.  I think I am going to read one each day and have the kids choose one each week for copy work and one to memorize for the month.

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