Hello tandc93,
I hesitated in submitting this post, for I did not want to be guilty of blatant advertising, but I thought I would share something that might be a blessing to you. I have recently written a simple Bible study guide called “Thoughtful Bible Study for the Family.” It’s a far cry from a bookmark that you’ve requested here, but it does encompass many reflective (“thoughtful”) questions that you might find helpful in your daily Bible reading. I will not go into the details of the study guide here on this forum, but you can take a look for yourself and see if it’s something that might bless you and your family. Again, please forgive me if this post is in any way offensive, my intent is only to share what the Lord helped me put together for our family. God bless!
http://standinginthesquare.com/catalog.html (scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the study guide)