What do we do if we are to do Bible reading everyday but in the family study handbook it is only listed to do 3x’s/week? Do I just choose a different place to read, for example Psalm 23 for that day and then carry on with the history lesson? Thank you for any feedback! Cara
Heehee, we do Bible everyday, and then add the History/Geography on the days it calls for it. So on the days when we would do history, we actually read history and the following Bible lesson, just at a different time. We usually start the day with Bible, then move on to math, reading, etc, then come back and do History. Same with Geography. Does that make sense? I know it kind of messes with the 180 lessons equalling 180 days, but it works for us, and we can always add to those “catch up” days and add more activities at the end of a section or term to make up the deficit.
I imagine, though, that if you’re also using something like Wisdom and the Millers, which centers on a Proverb for each lesson, that you could do Personal Development and a more in depth study of the passage for that day as Bible, thereby making one subject into two, and accomplishing reading Bible every day and at the same time keeping the schedule for the handbook.
Although we aren’t using SCM’s plan yet, we do our history lessons (currently studying Joseph in Egypt) 3 – 4 days each week in the morning along with poetry, composer study, artist study, character training, etc., and also a daily, 7 days a week, Bible reading time (currently in the New Testament) in the evening with Dad.
We haven’t yet started the SCM Modules either, but given that we always do Bible reading with Dad at another time of the day (morning and/or evening), I’m not too concerned about it if we don’t do Bible reading as part of our sit-down school time everyday. I will probably do the readings as scheduled in SCM during the history/geography slot in our school time, and get the daily Bible reading as a part of our family time. If that makes sense. As long as it is happening sometime in our day, I’m not too concerned when that is.
How about adding a devotional on the other days? We are loving Leading Little Ones to God (we do that with Dad at night). I think we are going to start each day listening to hymns and with prayer. (We’ve been having life happening a lot lately, so no real schedule now …) Reading a section of Psalms every morning would be a great thing to add.
On Geography days I do not add a Bible reading as we talk about the religion of those countries, pray for them, look at what happened in them in Bible times, etc. Sites http://www.operationworld.org/ and http://www.kidsofcourage.com/ are very helpful for this. On History days, I read a different version of the Bible story we read ealier in the week, sometimes from the Vos Children’s Bible, sometimes from a devotional, sometimes a devotional cd we have, I just search for these things when I am planning the year out in the summer so I don’t have to search during school for something appropriate.