bible overview resources?

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  • pjssully


    I am looking for some type of resource/book probably that gives a good overview of the bible for a 14 year old boy.  We will be doing this over the summer, so it would be great if it is not too long.  Eventually I will have him read through the entire bible, but at this point, he doesn’t have the interest and I am really just trying to teach him the message of salvation and how the Old and New Testament are a continuing story of this.

    Any resources would be greatly appreciated!!


    I have been researching Bible curriculum and studies this past week. I can’t think of anything that would give him an overview of the Bible in a few, short months. Star Meade’s books are supposed to do this but they are for younger children. If he doesn’t mind reading books of that type, he might enjoy them. My daughter would feel talked down to; she is 14 as well.

    We are currently doing a study called From Genesis to Revelations. It was written about 100 years ago and is in the public domain. I found it on kindle for 99 cents. If you like it, I guess he could just read through the book without reading the recommended bible verses. That could get him through it pretty fast. Or if he’s a fairly fast reader, he could probably cover the verses a well. We spend about 15-25 minutes a day on this, reading the scripture together and reading the text together and discussing it as well. The more I think about it, a 14 year old could definitely move through this pretty quickly if reading it all silently. Check it out and see what you think.

    I’ve heard many good things about The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Study by Star Meade. I think it would take quite a bit of time to work through the entire curriculum though.



    Children’s Bibles are a great way to learn the Bible.  My older two know their Bible pretty well, and I credit it to reading multiple children’s Bibles to them from preschool on (some of them multiple times).  I would look for one that closely follows scripture and doesn’t have cartoon-y illustrations.   Memoria Press uses The Golden Bible through 6th or 7th grade and I’ve even seen it recommended for adults new to the Christian faith.   Catherine Vos’ Bible seems to be a popular choice with moms here.  By reading a story or two each day, he could easily finish over the summer.


    David C. Cook Journey Through the Bible

    I am using this with my daughter along with Mystery of History 1. It doesn’t just give an overview of the Bible, but also gets into cultural information. Some Scripture reading may be necessary, but I think it could be used alone for a good overview.

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