I am trying to decide what to do for history for my 8th grader next year. Through the years she has studied all the time periods. I don’t want to do American History since she will be doing it in high school. I thought of just doing whatever she wanted throughout the year for something fun before high school. When I asked her what she wants to study she isn’t sure but has brought up Biblical history. Do you have any recommendations on something to use to study biblical ancient history in one year that focuses mostly on the Bible and it’s stories . . . it is ok to pull in some of the other things going on in the world during that time.
I have “The Story: the Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People” and am thinking about using that. But, should I just have her read it? Maybe do some written narrations or responses to what she has read each week?
Any ideas would be appreciated as we try to narrow down what to do.
Might not be what you are looking for but my daughter did History’s Heroes Set: The Amazing Story of Christian Faith through History by Generations. (It only has to be done 3 days/week so also works great for fitting in other things such as geography or other books of interest)
It is not necessarily Bible History but is history of the Christian church from Paul to mid 1900s reading shorter biographies about each person. It has quizzes but they don’t have to do them.
Since history of Christian Church some of the stories are intense, being a Christian was full of people martyred for their faith, but my daughter really enjoyed reading and really gained a new understanding of what people went through for their faith. It gave her really good perspective on her faith too.
Just another idea 🙂
Bible History really is fantastic, so much to learn. Hope you find a great fit for what you are looking for.
You might consider a more geography based year for 8th grade.
You could use History Revealed Ancient Civilizations and the Bible by Diana Waring. My 9th grader is using it this year – lots of Bible and archaeology. He has done a map for each unit, which is optional. Each unit has a book list and optional hands on activities and projects so you can taylor it to fit the student’s needs and interests. The audio sets are a big part of the program. Everything else is optional.
We are using Drive Thru History DVD sets with it. These are available free streaming from TBN website or iTBN roku channel.
We’ve done Bible history this year. I focused on OT history. We’ve read Gen.-I Samuel and I plan to keep going over the summer through 2 Samuel, I and 2 Kings, Ezra and Nehemiah. We also read The God King, Jashub’s Journal, The Exciled Prince and several fun picture books about ancient civilizations. We used Bible Lands of the Old Testament from Rod and Staff for Bible Geography. It’s been a really fun year and we all enjoyed it. I loved how the books worked together and how much everyone learned!