BF Teaching Character Through Literature Primary Pack

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  • junkybird

    For those who have used this, could you please give me an idea of how the guide is set up?  The pictures on the website are so small, I can’t tell what is listed for each day’s example.

    Could this guide be used over a year or will it probably not last that long?




    I was really hoping to find at least one person who had used this.  Anybody? I just want to make sure that it has enough “meat” in it.

    I followed the curriculum guide this year for year one using Book 1, but I can’t seem to find A Child’s Book of Character Building, Book 2 for a reasonable price for the coming year.

    Any other suggestions for a 7 year old boy for character development?

    Thanks so much,



    Hi Jenn,

    I recently received my guide.  I purchased the combined primary and intermediate book.  The guide begins with a book list of additional books to use for each level listed by both author and title.  Lesson 1 under primary has you read Time of Wonder, over a couple of sittings.  Then you are to read Genesis 1:1-31, discuss how God gave man the earth to care for and enjoy.  Go outside and look around.  Write down/Discuss things in creation for which you are grateful.  In whose image was man created?  Should this affect the way you view the people?  Lesson 2: Pread Psalms 23 and discuss the role of the shepherd.  It appears that each lesson attaches scripture reading to the book reading and then has at least one discussion question causing the child to think. 

    I hope this helps.



    Thank you!  That does give me a better idea of how they are using the suggested books.  It sounds like it is a lot more than just those books too, like, the Bible!  Imagine that 🙂

    Anybody else?


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