BF Modern US and World History Guide Review?

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  • teachme2learn

    Does anyone have a review for the updated Beautiful Feet Modern US and World History Guide?  Even if you have not used it but have looked at it, I would love to know your thoughts from what you have seen.


    Melissa over at Reflections from Drywood Creek has posted about it here:

    I’ve not seen it, but I did just share a post on my blog about SCM history and BF history when a friend asked for a comparison. We’ve used SCM in the past. This year we’re using Beautiful Feet Medieval (both the Intermediate/Junior High level and the Senior High level). I talk about pros and cons of both for my family, and how we’re using BF this year. One of the things I love is that both are solid curricula, it just is a matter of finding what fits your particular family and goals for the year.  Here is my post if you want to peek at it:


    Thank you Tristan!  I enjoyed reading your comparison and found it very helpful.  I’m definitely finding it a challenge to find that perfect fit for us.

    I was particularly interested in reviews for the book selections in the Senior level of the Modern Guide.


    Ones I’ve read personally and liked from that list:


    The Hiding Place (my all time favorite book!)

    Around the World in 80 Days

    Rifles for Watie

    Red Badge of Courage

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    Most of the others I have not read yet.


    Those are the ones I have read too except for Unbroken.  I am seriously considering going through the course for myself even if I don’t have my highschoolers do it.  So little time though….

    Jessica Voges

    We are actually blending SCM Modern with that BF guide now.  There is quite a bit of overlap. So, I’m using all of the SCM books and adding a few BF books.  I’m asking my son to narrate and then we go over the discussion questions in the BF guide.  The BF guide is full, full, full!  I can’t imagine getting all that done in 1 year.



    That is sort of what I hope to do.  I plan on using SCM for most of my children and the BF guide for my oldest current student. I now have the BF guide in hand and you are right it is full.  I found the guide an education all on its own.  It is fascinating!

    Jessica Voges

    The SCM guide along with the BF lessons have been good for us.  So far my son is listening to the family books with us and he’s read the SCM Lincoln book.  He’s also reading the 7 Men book from SCM, Red Badge of Courage, World Trek and Up From Slavery.  He’s doing BF lessons on Red Badge and Up From Slavery currently.  He actually likes the back and forth schedule of books from SCM better because some books he likes better than others.  We skipped Uncle Toms Cabin and Rifles for Watie.  We’ll also skip Virginia’s General.  I’m saving Around the World in 80 Days for next year(Geography unit) and haven’t decided on the Jungle yet.  It’s kind of a work in progress as we move through the books.


    If you don’t mind…..How did you decide which books to read and which ones to leave out?  I always struggle with thinking we have to do everything.

    Jessica Voges

    Well for me I feel SCM is adequate on its own.  I mainly need help with narration/discussion and essay prompts.  My son, for literature, is working through the Lord of the Rings Trilogy so I don’t want to give him much more on the literature side.  And he loves the WW2 era so I want to give a good overview of the rest and linger in WW2 longer so we’ll probably read all of those books.

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