Hello. I have a bright 9 year old boy whose writing skills (mechanics of writing) seem to be lagging behind the rest of his skills. He forms his letters and words legibly, but he is slow and dislikes copywork. I give him short copywork assignments because he’ll shut down if it looks too long to him, sentences I think he can complete it in 5-10 minutes, but he’ll take longer or not finish. Is there another approach I can take to increase his speed and comfort with writing, or do I just need to let this area mature naturally?
We go by time and not amount (quality over quantity). After 5 minutes they are done, no matter if they have just one word left. I saw great improvements between ages 10 and 11 for my DS, so I would guess he just needs more time.
We switched over to fountain pens (just for writing lessons) to make it a bit more fun, maybe this would help with enthusiasm?
Sometimes I’ll let him chose between copying something from his history lesson or the Bible,and he seems to like that. I’ll try it more often, or give him more options to choose from.
That makes sense. My 11 year old son has made big improvements this year. I know sometimes they just need time and I love being able to give it to them.
Fountain pens sound like a fun idea. Of course, then he can’t erase. But I think we’ll try it.
Boys and writing often don’t mix. So it’s probably just a matter of needing more time. My son however has fine motor issues that have really contributed – his writing is very slow.
Does your son complain about pain (my hand is tired/sore), or is it more that he gets visually overwhelmed by the work in front of him?
My son doesn’t complain about pain, and sometimes he is more overwhelmed that others. Two days ago I gave him a very long passage (so he can work on tracking- he sometimes skips entire lines). He started to complain about how long it was, and when I told him he only had to work on it for ten minutes he was fine. He got right to it and did good work. He was the same about math, actually. He gets overwhelmed by all the problems, but when we say, “Ok, give me 20 good minutes,” and set a timer he does fine.
My older son had issues when he was in early elementary with writing and his hand did get tired and sore. We realized he was gripping the pencil tightly and pressing very hard, so we switched him to a mechanical pencil. Then when he pressed too hard the lead snapped. It was a reminder to him to not press so hard. It helped a lot.
Karen and Holly, the more I think of it the more I like the idea of special pens, or colored ones or something like that. It’ll be fun. I’ll let you know.
Thanks again.
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