best timeline for younger children, starting with Genesis including world history

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  • trulyblessed26

    Hi there, 🙂

    We will be starting the SCM history/geo/bible mod 1 shortly and am debating between doing a family book of centuries or a timeline.  I am leaning toward a timeline, but am not finding what I want.  Not sure if it actually exists either.  I would like one that is primarily based on the bible and that would highlight the specific events we will study as we go through mod 1, but also has the ability to add the world history events we will be studying too.  Anyone have any suggestions or ideas or sources?  Thank you so much!


    I LOVE this timeline – it’s not a create your own, but it’s so helpful for me and the kids to piece together what’s going on in Bible history when we’re reading about particular pharoahs or greek wars etc…  We used it this year in addition to SCM’s book of centuries (a family one).  We use the book of centuries to add specific things of interest to us, but the Adams for connecting everything in a timeline.  It’s not geared toward little ones, but mine love it none-the-less – probably because I get so excited about it!


    I haven’t used this but I saw it at Mardel and thought it looked pretty good.

    We always make our own using figures from Homeschool in the Woods.  I do think it’s hard for younger kids to just look at a timeline.  I think it’s much easier for them to grasp when they put the figures on for themselves.


    For Bible, I like What the Bible is All About Resources Reproducible Maps, Charts, Timelines & Illustrations.

    ISBN 0-8307-1938-5

    We’ve used (read started & ditched) several different kinds of timelines. The only one we’ve kept this far is the use of the Veritas Press cards. They lack some things I’d like them to include as far as history, but are nice otherwise. I don’t have the Bible sets, just the history sets which we used in CC. We are going to continue using them even though we won’t continue CC. They lend themselves to memory work, copywork, narration, prepared dictation, and springboards to writing. I feel like the original purchase price was worth the investment. But, you can find them for sale in very good condition for about 1/2 price used.



    Christine Kaiser

    We have a self-made timeline and love it! All you need is masking tape, sharpies and wall space to make the line. Then you add as you go little pictures your child draws with blue tack to the wall. You can also use coloring pictures from the internet and size them down to clip art size. This was our inspiration:

    We only use 4 very long lines broken down in the same time periods as in the picture. It works for us for the first few elementary years, then I plan switching to a BOC anyways.

    Blessings Christine


    I second the Adam’s timeline.  Answers in Genesis recommends it for accuracy.  It’s amazing what is on it!  Here is a picture of it:




    Thanks for the link! I’ve been pondering what to add to a wall in the homeschool library we are going to open soon. This will be perfect!!!




    I’m wondering if this could be done on fabric transfer type material? We know the library will outgrow the building we have at this point. I’m trying to think of ways to be able to move the timeline when the library needs to move in a few years.




    Becca – if you don’t mind spending a little money – Konos has a very nice vinyl timeline that looks similiar to the one in the link and it’s big and hangs by three metal grommets so it’s easy to move.  scroll to the bottom of the page.


    Thank you so much ladies 🙂  We are blessed that we have a Mardel close by and they had the time line items there to look at.  The pre-printed time lines, like Adams and Big Book have overwhelming info, but I like having something all done that we can look at, so we decided on Adams because I like the vintage look of it.  We also decided to start a family BOC so we can additionally have the feel of making our own project like pslively mentioned and decided on the Homeschooling in the Woods book and CD of symbols again because I liked the vintage look of it. I think it will be beautiful in the years to come all filled in.  🙂


    So, I’m wondering if any of you use the HTTA wall size pics. If so, how much room should be allowed? Would the binder size be lost on a wall in a smaller space?

    I looked at the KONOS vinyl option. It’s a good one as far as size. So, I started looking around the house and our library wall space and kept mulling over the options. While folding clothes, it occurred to me that I was looking at an option right in front of me. I held a CC campus in our home for the 2011-12 school year. I cut a shower/tile board down a bit to ha e 16 small lap boards for Essentials students and one large board for the Foundations group. I can use the masking tape option (or strips from HTTA) on that board, but I’m wondering how much room to allow. Then, when we outgrow our current space, the timeline can go to the larger library. Yeah! Back to reality. I still need to know measurements. I only have Internet on my phone so the tiny font wears me out even if I male it bigger. Translation, I’m tired and don’t want to search for the answer through these links. ;0)

    Thanks for the inspiration, Ladies.


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