Beorn the Proud or The Viking Bow?

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  • Rachel White

    We, including a 9 and 10, will be on explorers next year. Which is better; Beorn the Proud or The Story of Rolf for our living history read aloud? I don’t know that both will be able to be read aloud by me, so I’ll have to choose and leave the other for next go-round or for free reading as desired. It’s hard becasue they both look so good!



    Melody F.

    Well, I haven’t read Beorn the Proud, but we did read The Story of Rolf  and loved it!  Don’t know if that helps, but I thought I would share anyway.


    Last year our oldest read Beorn the Proud on his own. He really liked it.  As a family read aloud we read “Rolf” (as we are all on a first-name basis with him now, and no longer need to add the “and the Viking Bow” part). This is especially funny to me, as I often wondered if much of it would fly right over our youngest children’s heads. I was amazed to see how much all of us ended up loving that book. A few weeks back, our 5 yr. old brought it to me, asking to read it all over again. I guess that will teach me not to underestimate what they are capable of “getting”. I found myself using a pronunciation guide at the beginning of the book to help during readings–I kept it marked. This book , in my opinion, would be the better read aloud because of the way it is written. It is also fun to root for Rolf as a family!



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