Ben Hur Movie

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  • csmamma

    I realize that there was just a post about CM and Media so I’m not sure how this question will go over…;)

    We too feel stongly about limiting the amount of media we expose our children to and only use our small tv for viewing movies such as historical documentaries, etc.

    We are in Ancient Rome time period and are considering watching the old movie of Ben Hur instead of reading the book. My boys are 8 and 13 at this point, so the book might be a bit much for them.

    Have any of you seen this? Do you think it would be a good idea to watch the movie or wait until they are in high-school to read it? If you’ve seen the movie, how does it compare to the book? Any thoughts would be helpful in making my decision.

    Thanks again.


    Rachel White

    My 2 children are 8 and 7 and we watched it last year when they were both 7. I had never seen it and although concerned about violence, it is the 50’s and I don’t think it graphic, but that’s a matter of opinion. They understood everything about the storyline, regarding the cruelties of slavery and they loved rooting for him. We were able to discuss much about the oman gov’t and slavery and imperial domination of those gov’ts. They were deeply moved by the story. I don’t know how it compares with the book, as I’ve not read it. Another option is the Focus on the Family audio drama version as a precurser to the movie.

    I will warn you that, depending which version you get, there is a scene between Tony Randall’s slave character and Lawrence Olivier’s character that had subtle overtones of homosexual interest. Now don’t panic, it’s very vague. It’s a scene in the large tub with the Roman having the slave washing him and making comments. Again, more subtle than television now. It went totally over my children’s head, but I was alittle surprised! YOur 13 yr. old might suspect something alittle odd about the interchange between the characters. Needless to say, the slave avoids the Roman’s advances.

    You may want to watch it with your husband to get an idea about it, considering your own children’s sensitivities. If you don’t think now is the time, ther is the audio drama version which will avoid the issue spoken above and the women being treated badly by the Romans.



    Thanks, Rachel, for the heads up on some of the scenes in the movie.

    Also, I didn’t know that Focus on the Family had an audio drama of this. I placed a hold on a copy from the library and will take your suggestion to listen to this first. We’ll see if listening to the audio drama peeks their interest to watch the movie – otherwise we might just wait.

    Your response was helpful! 🙂

    May the Lords face shine upon you and your family!



    We saw the Charlton Heston version and my kids were 12 and 8. They seemed to understand it and enjoyed the chariot race. I have to admit I can’t really remember it that well. I don’t remember the scene Rachel spoke of — but maybe it went over my head too. Or maybe it is a different version.

    Rachel White

    Your welcome Heather. There are two differnt versions out there. One has the scene I was referring to cut out. Maybe you can find the one that has it cut-out?


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