Beginning Reading

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  • My son is still “learning to read”.  Maybe he is not that behind. He can really only read some of the beginning reading books on his own. The rest we have to do together. He is in second grade. Should I still be doing mostly all verbal reading practice half way through grade 2 or should he be reading on his own more? Maybe I am just comparing him to other kids too much!? I know they all learn different things at different times. Is there a way to help him more? We do phonics practice and reading aloud on top of me reading to him of course.

    I read the thread More phonics questions.  It gave me a better feeling about his reading ability. He is 7 1/2 so still young. 

    I pretty much found all the answers there, but if anyone has any other advice in this area it would be welcome.



    No advice, but just wanted to encourage that my friend’s son didn’t really pick up reading until 5th grade, but started 9th at a very academic Christian High School and scores in the 90’s, better than a lot of kids, in English.  She’s a reader and read a lot to him as a child.  I’ve heard often that’s when it clicks, it clicks, and then they just take off.  Hope that helps some:)  Gina

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