Is there a way to start incorporating CM in High School. Believe it or not, I just found out about the CM way. The problem is my sons are 9th and 10th grade levels next year. Is it too late to start? Should I just start with certain subjects?
I was concerned about the History because of the requirements here in my state. Just wondering what everyone did and if it’s possible to start at this point.
Typical graduation requirements are 1 World History, 1 US History (sometimes they like to have 2), 1/2 Government and 1/2 Economics credits.
However, in my state homeschoolers do not have set requirements to graduate. Many colleges however, do have admission requirements which are typically the same as the public high school grad requirements.
My son has already had World History and I was planning on doing Gov. and Economics next year with both my boys (9th and 10th grade).
I wasn’t sure where to start? I don’t want to overload them with Gov. and Economics AND CM History. Just need some direction
I have two in high school and (and more coming along) and I’ve been trying to wrap my brain around how to implement a CM approach for them in the midst of the current plan we’ve set up. I’m listening and thankful you asked the question.
For the history credits, you simply use living books instead of textbooks and have your students write their narrations for the written portion of their courses. Living books are books that use literary language and are written by an author passionate about his/her subject.
There are many wonderful resources out there to help you do this or you can plan it on your own. If you go to the blog for this website (SCM), you’ll find a whole series of posts on teaching high school with CM methods. It’s wonderful and will answer a lot of your questions.
If you google government Simply Charlotte Mason, you’ll find lots of great suggestions for it as well as economics.
Ok so I figured out what I wanted to do this coming year. I found an online government study that we will be doing along with adding Plutarch and a few other living books that talk about Rome and that talk about American Government. I plan to have them look at both and compare them. I will be using some of the books from the CM Roman study.
However, the following year, I plan on doing the Early Modern CM study. I realize that it’s basically 1/2 credit history. One needs a whole credit American and one needs a whole credit World History. How should I handle that? Is it possible to do 1/2 credit in both each year? Should I just supplement with more living books for both subject according to what they need?
Either choice would be good. Just do what works best for your family. You can always order your student’s transcript by subject instead of grade. That way you are able to work on various credits through out all the years of high school instead of trying to fit each credit into one year. It’s completely up to you. 🙂
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